Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The format of the script is as follows:


The  title should describe the contents of the article in full, a maximum of 14 words in  English.


The author's name is accompanied by the origin of the institution but is not accompanied by a degree. Authors are required to include authors' biographies written on a separate sheet, consisting of: affiliation and E-mail .


Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian. The abstract contains a summary summary of the overall essence of the study in a concise and concise manner. Abstract contains background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Abstracts are typed single spaces.

Keywords should reflect concepts or research variables contained, consisting of 5-6 words.


The introduction explains the main points discussed as the research / problem background, which contains the research issues, research objectives, and a summary of relevant theoretical studies. The preliminary presentation in the article does not include the title. Contains a variety of theories relevant to the research variables that contain the indicators used to measure, as well as the description of the relationships among the variables.


Methods include research design, population and sample, development of research instruments, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques, described briefly.


The results present the results of the final data analysis instead of unprocessed raw data.

Discussion is an explicit affirmation of the interpretation of the results of data analysis, linking findings to previous theories or research, and the implications of the findings are linked to current circumstances. 

The description exposure can be accompanied by images, photos, tables, and graphs all of which include the title, and the reference source if necessary.


In closing, write the statement paragraph style narrative—author Stating the research findings' conclusions limiting research and future research.


APA 7th style with alphabetical order. Authors can use reference manager applications such as Mendeley Reference Manager, Mandeley Desktop Manager or Google Scholar Citations Tool.

Reference sourced from publications published within the last ten years and 80 % were referred from primary reference.



Bougie, R., & Sekaran, U. (2019). Research methods for business: A skill building approach. John Wiley & Sons.


Dwivedi, Y. K., Hughes, D. L., Coombs, C., Constantiou, I., Duan, Y., Edwards, J. S., ... & Upadhyay, N. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life. International journal of information management55, 102211.

Ivanov, D. (2022). The Industry 5.0 framework: viability-based integration of the resilience, sustainability, and human-centricity perspectives. International Journal of Production Research, 1-13.


John, K. K., Adarsh, S. N., & Pattali, V. (2020, December). Workers to super workers: A brief discussion on important technologies for industry 5.0 manufacturing systems. In AIP conference proceedings (Vol. 2311, No. 1, p. 070025). AIP Publishing LLC.



Acknowledgments addressed to them (individuals, organizations, and institutions) that have helped carry out research and writing. (if available)