Informatics Management, Engineering and Information System Journal <p>Informatics Management, Engineering and Information System Journal, E ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3025-5384</a>, DOI :, is a national online journal, peer-reviewed, published by E Jurnal LPPM STMIK Mardira Indonesia, Bandung. The scope of this journal covering the field Informatics Management, Informatics Engineering, Information System, the development of Industry 4.0 towards Industry Society 5.0. Topic related to these fields can be information systems, informatics, product based knowledge, computer science, knowledge management, business and management, business IT, IT Governance, communication and marketing, enterprise architecture planning, business process management, business process reengineering, modeling and simulation, artificial intelligence, information security, social network, cloud computing, technopreneurship, research online and other related topics. Research articles, conceptual paper, case study, technical report, all of the aspects are acceptable.</p> <p>E ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3025-5384</a>, DOI:</p> en-US <p><strong>This work is licensed under a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0</a> International License.</strong></p> (E Jurnal LPPM STMIK Mardira Indonesia) (Haritsatun Najwa) Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 The Influence of Promotion and Service Quality on Purchasing Decisions <p><em>The researcher conducted a study to assess the influence of promotion and service quality on purchasing decisions at a car dealership in Bandung. The study's objective was to examine the primary determinant of service quality on purchasing decisions at the dealership in Bandung. The research involved 95 consumers as participants, who were asked to complete questionnaires. The path analysis research demonstrates the validity of the advertising and service quality variables in influencing purchasing decisions at the vehicle dealership in Bandung. The research results underscore prioritizing promotion and service quality to improve purchasing decisions. The research findings suggest that promotion (X1) has a considerable influence on purchase decisions (Y), and Service Quality (X2) also has a significant impact on purchasing decisions (Y).</em></p> Anton Tirta Komara, Puput Rahayu Astuti Copyright (c) 2024 Anton Tirta Komara, Puput Rahayu Astuti Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Goods Asset Information System with Application (QR) Code <p><em>The advancement of science and technology has enhanced the efficiency of all forms of information communication. Using two-dimensional barcodes enables the linkage between the virtual realm and the physical world, with the QR code being the most prevalent type of two-dimensional barcode. Each year, there have been significant advancements in information technology. Asset items are present in each laboratory or room of a school in Bandung. Evidence gathered at this educational institution suggests that the administration of inventory data could be more efficient. The school administrators affirm that they continue to rely on human data entry.</em></p> <p><em>Moreover, manual data entry is considered inefficient, and data processing tends to be sluggish. The data in question refers to the information regarding the assets. The Asset Validation application is developed utilizing the SDLC (System et al.) methodology and UML (Unified et al.) for design. The utilized programming language is PHP, or Hypertext Preprocessor, in conjunction with a MySQL database. When the URL is executed in a web browser, the system provides a description of the URL, compares it with the database, and subsequently presents it in the web browser. The outcome of the Asset Validation application is a QR code utilized to store the URL, signifying the precision of the asset item. This study also conducted a performance comparison with three analogous apps. These three comparison programs were selected based on their similar visual QR code output, although their scanning outcomes differ due to distinct features.</em></p> Nur Muhammad Fadlan Fadhila, Miftah Fahmi, Rini Risanti, Asep Sudrajat, Nanang Suciyono Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Muhammad Fadlan Fadhila, Miftah Fahmi, Rini Risanti, Asep Sudrajat Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Application Of the Buffer Stock Method in The Inventory Information System <p><em>This study aims to examine the inventory system employed by a wholesaler located in Bandung and offer suggestions to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of inventory management. The research methodology is a case study incorporating interviews and firsthand observation of the company's inventory system. The results suggest that the company still needs to practice any particular approach for overseeing its inventory, resulting in difficulties in calculating suitable inventory levels and a failure to use technology in inventory management. Hence, the author advises the wholesaler in Bandung to enhance the utilization of technology in managing their inventory and proposes adopting a buffer stock approach for inventory control.</em></p> Zaki Nurrohman, Dheni Apriantsani, Mohammad Hamdani, En Tay, Egi Badar Sambani Copyright (c) 2024 Zaki Nurrohman, Dheni Apriantsani, Mohammad Hamdani, En Tay Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Web-Based Village Information System Design <p><em>The findings of this study indicate that the combination of intrinsic motivation and compensation has a notable impact on the performance of employees in a fashion firm located in Bandung. Consequently, these two elements can enhance employee performance concurrently. However, more factors impact employee performance that should have been investigated in this study. Additional elements may encompass work discipline, leadership, job stress, competency, and organizational culture.</em></p> <p><em>Our research underscores the pivotal role of intrinsic motivation in boosting employee performance, surpassing the influence of compensation. Employees with a strong sense of intrinsic motivation, including job satisfaction, commitment to the organization, and a drive to succeed, consistently demonstrate superior performance.</em></p> <p><em>However, compensation continues to be a significant issue that affects employee performance. Employees who see the company's income, benefits, and incentives as equitable and commensurate with their workload are more likely to be motivated to perform at a higher level. The importance of equitable and competitive remuneration cannot be overstated, as it enhances employee well-being, potentially boosting productivity and job excellence.</em></p> <p><em>Ultimately, both internal motivation and financial rewards significantly impact employee performance. However, it's crucial for management to take the lead in prioritizing strategies that enhance employee intrinsic motivation. This can be achieved through proactive implementation of programs and policies that boost job satisfaction, foster devotion to the organization, and cultivate a strong drive to achieve. Regular evaluation and modification of compensation schemes to ensure equity and competitiveness are also essential. By focusing on these two factors, firms can achieve maximum staff performance, leading to enhanced overall productivity and success.</em></p> Dyas Faturahman, Ikbal Jamaludin, Adi Suwarno, Susanto Susanto Copyright (c) 2024 Dyas Faturahman, Ikbal Jamaludin, Adi Suwarno Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Restaurant Tax Calculation Application and Service Fees for Tax Reporting <p><em>The Restaurant levy is a government or city-managed levy that can augment the local revenue of Cimahi City. Certain restaurants frequently impose an additional service fee. One of the restaurants in Cimahi still uses a semi-computerized or semi-EDP (Electrical Data Processing) system, which results in inefficient calculation of the Restaurant Tax and Service Fee and slow reporting to the Local Government. Descriptive research is a method that focuses on providing a detailed and systematic analysis of specific phenomena or qualities. The system development methodology employed is object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD). The Nikmat Sunda Restaurant program, accessed through the web, can carry out automated calculations and act as a data resource to enhance time efficiency. Hence, the Restaurant Tax and Service Fee calculation can serve as a foundation for generating Restaurant Tax reports.</em></p> Irma Rohmatika, Miranti Andhita, Debi Irawan, Farhanah Fitria M, Fikri Irawan Abdurahman Copyright (c) 2024 Irma Rohmatika, Miranti Andhita, Debi Irawan, Farhanah Fitria M Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000